Using Controls

Controls are found on the control panel for each component. Controls are considered to be anything, other than text labels, that you find on a control panel; this includes graphs, meters, knobs, and so on. To display the control panel, add the component to the Schematic, then double-click the component; the control panel displays.

Q-SYS Designer Mode

Controls behave differently depending on the mode of Q-SYS Designer.

Adjusting Controls

There are a number of ways controls can be adjusted, including, External Control, Control Scripting, and manually. This topic address the manual method.


Keyboard Entry

Entering the value for a control offers a more precise way of adjusting the control. For numeric controls, the precision depends on the unit of measure, or value range, you may or may not be able to use decimals. To use the keyboard to adjust a control:

  1. Click the control, or hover the mouse cursor over the control.
  2. Enter the value. The value can be a number, item from the drop-down list, state of a button (mute, unmuted)
  3. Press the Enter key, or click away from the control. The value is changed.



Time values, when entered via the keyboard, may be entered in milliseconds (ms) by typing an "m" after the value, or seconds by simply entering the value. If the number entered is greater than the range of the control in seconds, the entry is treated as milliseconds.

Frequency values, when entered via the keyboard, may be entered in hertz by simply entering the value, or kilohertz by entering the value or 1/1000 of the value followed by the letter "k"

Adjust multiple controls of the same type at the same time. Select all the controls, enter a value or move the control.

You can use special commands, as detailed under the Button Style property, to set the value of numeric controls.

Placing Controls in the Schematic

You can drag controls from a control panel into the Schematic, a User Control Interface (UCI), make them available for External Control systems, or place them in a Snapshot. The control , with the exception of a control in a Snapshot, is now a proxy for the actual control in the control panel. You can use it to make adjustments with out opening the control panel.


When you drag a control into the Schematic the following properties are available:

Control Styles




Available With

Combo Box

Provides a drop-down list of the available parameters.




Provides an adjustable fader-type control. Can be vertical or horizontal.

Show Text Box

Reverse Action



Provides an adjustable knob-type control.

Reverse Action



Provides an LED. No adjustments available.

LED Style

Reverse Action


List Box Provides a list of the available parameters. Scroll bars are available for long lists.




Provides a meter. Can be horizontal or vertical.

Show Text Box

Meter Style

Reverse Action


Text Field

Provides a text box for text type readouts.

Text Field Style

Word Wrap


Properties Common to all Styles




Available With

Style (Control)

VIDEO TUTORIAL: Video tutorial available online for Control Styles.

Allows you to change the style of the control.

You can change the Style in the Properties of the control, or you can copy the style from another control in the Schematic.

To copy Style from one control to another:

  1. Select the control you want to copy from.
  2. Hold the Ctrl button and drag the control over the control you want to copy to. (You can also drag the control over the other control, then press the Ctrl button.)
  3. Release the mouse button, a selection list displays.
  4. Select "Transfer Control Style". The "copy to" control now has the same Style as the "copy from" control.

Regardless of the style you select, the control reacts in the appropriate manner based on the control you select or the control from which it was copied. Not all selectable Styles may be appropriate for the original control.


Combo Box




List Box


Text Field

All Styles


The coordinates reference a specific place in the Schematic. For example,100,100 (horizontal, vertical). 0,0 is upper left corner of the schematic.

Min. 0,0

Max. >10,000,000

All Styles


The numeric size of the control. For example 70,32 (width, height).

Min. 6,6

Max. 2000, 2000

All Styles


Sets the Fill color of the button. The Fill color is the color of the button in its ON state.

User-selected color.

All Styles

Weight (Font)

Changes the weight of the Label. For the Text Field, this controls the text displayed or entered in the field in the Run or Emulate mode; it is not a Label.




All Styles

Horizontal Alignment (Font)

Changes the alignment of the Label on a horizontal basis. For the Text Field, this controls the text displayed or entered in the field in the Run or Emulate mode; it is not a Label.




All Styles

Vertical Alignment (Font)

Changes the alignment of the Label on a vertical basis. For the Text Field, this controls the text displayed or entered in the field in the Run or Emulate mode; it is not a Label.




All Styles

Control Style Properties




Available With

Button Style

Sets the style of a Button. The following values are available:

Momentary - when the button is clicked, it stays in its opposite state until released.

Off - Sets the value of the button to "off" (or 0, or false). Clicking the button again does not turn it on. You can change the button to "on" (or 1, or true) by clicking the button in its Control Panel, or another copy of the button with any Button Style except "Off".

On - Sets the value of the button to "on" (or 1, or true). Clicking the button again does not turn it off. You can change the button to "off" (or 0, or false) by clicking the button in its Control Panel, or another copy of the button with any Button Style except "On".

String - When the button is clicked, it sends the string you entered to the control in the Control Panel. The string you enter is case sensitive and must be valid for the control in the Control Panel. For example a fader control has a range of -100 to 20, the string must be numeric and within that range, a toggle button must be true/false, on/off, or 1/0.

In addition, the following special commands may be used in the String field:

  • ++ moves the control plus 1 minor division
  • -- moves the control minus 1 minor division
  • += moves the control plus n major units where n = String value (ex.+=2)
  • -= moves the control minus n major unit where n = String value (ex. -=2)
  • *= moves the control n times the major unit where n = String value (ex. *=3) If the current value of the control is 0 (zero), the multiplication command will not move the control. If you enter 0 in the String field, the control moves to 0 (zero).
  • max moves the control to its maximum value.
  • min moves the control to its minimum value.

Toggle - Allows you to turn the button on or off.







Polygon shape


Does not apply to trigger style buttons.

Reverse Action

Changes the direction of the control.

For example, a gain control normally increases gain as the control moves clockwise; apply the Reverse Action, and the gain now increases by moving the control in a counterclockwise direction. This is useful, for example, if you want a gain control to appear to be increasing attenuation. Another example is if you want to change a mute button (on state is muted, off is passing audio) to an enable button (on state is passing audio, off state is muted).

No / Yes






Off Color

Sets the color of the button in its OFF state. When the link to the right of the Off Color patch is linked, the Off Color is linked to the Fill, or ON color, and changes when you change the Fill color. If you click the link, you can manually set the Off Color.

Linked to the Fill color, or user-selected color.



Corner Radius

Sets the radius of the button corners.

0 to 300



Sets the size of the margin. The button stays the same size, but the visible part of the button is reduced equally around the button.

0 to 64



Controls the margin within the visible part of the button. If there is text and/or an icon, they are reduced in size to fit within the padded margins.

0 to 64



Select an icon from the list that displays.

User Selected


Icon Color

Sets the color of the selected icon.

User Selected


Icon Alignment

Determines the horizontal position of the icon when there is a text label on the button.




Background Color

Sets the background color of a Meter control

User Selected


Text Field Style

Meter Background - Used primarily when you change a Meter type control into a Text Field. The value read by the Meter is displayed, in text, in the center of the graphical Meter, instead of in a Text field below the Meter.

No Background - No background or outline; displays the text on the object or Schematic background. The Fill color controls the color of the text.

Normal - Standard Text field. The background is controlled by the Fill color, the text is automatically set to a color contrasting with the Fill color.

Meter Background

No Background


Text Field

Size (Font)

Changes the font size (in pixels) of the control's Label. This is the text you can type when the control is selected. For the Text Field, this controls the text displayed or entered in the field in the Run or Emulate mode; it is not a Label.




Text Field

LED Style

Changes the style of the LED.




Show Text Box

Displays the text read out of the control setting.

Yes / No



Meter Style

Sets the style of the Meter. All of the meter styles are RMS meters, the difference is the way they are displayed, and the legends used. The text box associated with the meter styles always reads RMS with the exception of the Meter component in Peak mode.

  • Gain - The Gain meter uses the Digital Gain legend. The 0 (zero) point of the Gain meter is in the center of the meter, and equals -20 dB RMS. From the 0 point the meter reads up, in green, to indicate a positive gain and down, in red, to indicate attenuation or negative gain. See the Gated Ambient Compensator Gain meter for an example.
  • Level - The Level meter uses the Digital dBFS legend. This meter is consistent with the RMS readings, i.e. 0 RMS input = 0 dBFS on the legend. See the Gated Ambient Compensator Detector meter for an example.
  • Reduction - The Reduction meter uses the Digital Reduction legend. Reads down from 20 dB RMS (0 on the legend), in red, to indicate amount of attenuation applied to a signal. See the Gain Sharing Automatic Mixer for an example.
  • Standard - The Standard meter uses the Digital dBFS legend. This meter is consistent with the RMS readings, i.e. 0 RMS input = 0 dBFS on the legend. The standard meter has a multi-color display from blue to yellow. Yellow indicates clipping. See the Meter for an example. The Meter component offers a selection between RMS and Peak. In the Peak mode the meter reads 3 dB higher than the RMS reading.






Meter Legend Style

Sets the style of the legend, or scale, for a meter.

Analog dBu -

BBC PPM - Peak Programme Meter

Custom -

Digital dBFS - dBFS in Q-Sys is referenced to zero being the point at which the output of the D/A Converter will clip. Because of floating point capabilities, Q-Sys can read dBFS values above zero. The indication above zero dBFS lets you know that you need to bring the signal down before sending it to the D/A Converter.

Digital dB-Linear -

Digital Gain -

Digital Reduction -

Analog dBu



Digital dBFS

Digital dB-Linear

Digital Gain

Digital Reduction

Meter Legend

Sizing and Positioning Controls

Refer to Aligning Schematic Elements for details.

Transferring Settings from one Control to Another

Each control you place in the Schematic has a "behind-the-scenes" Control ID that ties it to the specific component it came from. The Control ID allows you to use a copy of the control in the Schematic, in Snapshots, UCIs, and External Control systems. The Control ID cannot be changed, but it can be copied from one control to another.

In addition, you can copy the Style of one control to another.

  1. Select the control you want to copy from.
  2. Hold the Ctrl button and drag the control over the control you want to copy to. (You can also drag the control first, then press the Ctrl button.)
  3. Release the mouse button, a selection list displays.
  4. Do one of the following

Polygon Control

You can make a shape using the Polygon tool then transfer the settings from a control to the polygon shape. The procedure is the same as above, with the exception that it copies both the Control ID and the Control Style in one operation.

Identifying Controls in the Schematic

You can give names or Labels to Button and Fader style controls by selecting the control and simply typing the name.

You can drag bitmap type pictures onto a button control. Select the file in Windows Explorer or copy from a graphics editor onto the button. Resizing the button resizes the picture proportionally. The button must be in the Schematic, not in a component's control panel.


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