User Control Interfaces

The Q-SYS User Control Interface (UCI) provides a means by which a User can control defined parts of a Q-SYS design via a networked device such as the Q-SYS Touch Screen Controller (TSC) panel, Windows based PC, Apple iPad, iPhone, and others. The UCI is created in Q-SYS Designer, and has one or more pages that can contain controls, indicators, and graphic objects dragged in from the Schematic. Graphic objects and images can also be inserted directly into UCI pages by dragging and dropping, or copying and pasting from other applications (Not all applications support both methods.).

Once a UCI is created, you can deploy it for use in several ways including the Q-SYS TSC-8, TSC-3, Q-SYS UCI Viewer and UCI Viewer Status\Control component for Windows, and Apple iOS devices. Refer to the Deploying User Control Interfaces section of this topic for details.

You can control access for individual UCIs based on individual Users through the Q-SYS Administrator.

IMPORTANT:   Due to the finite amount of memory on any hardware, creating large UCIs can cause performance issues on the device hosting the UCI. Pay particular attention to smaller devices such as those that use the Apple iOS.

Inventory Status

The Inventory Status UCI, is a system-generated UCI that lists the status of all components in your inventory that have a Status field available. This UCI can not be modified other than by adding or removing items from the Inventory. The components do not have to be in the Schematic to be listed.

By default, there is one UCI page (Default Location) available. When enough Inventory items are added, and for each hardware location defined, Q-SYS generates another page, and continues until all Inventory is listed. When there is more than one page, a Navigation page is generated with buttons to select each page. On the individual pages, there is a single button labeled "Home" that takes you back to the Navigation Page.

The Inventory items are ordered by location, each location having its own page, then the order in which they were added to the Inventory by type. For example, if you add a Page Station first, all Page Stations in the same location are listed first, if you then add an Amplifier in the same location as the Page Stations, all Amplifiers are added under the Page Stations.


User Control Interface Properties

To access the Properties for a UCI, you must select the UCI (not one of its pages) in the left-side pane under User Control Interfaces.





User-defined name to uniquely identify the UCI. The Title does not display unless there is more than one Page for the UCI.

User Defined

Panel Type

Custom – Provides the option to manually set the Diagonal Size, and the Horizontal and Vertical Resolution. By adjusting the Horizontal and Vertical Resolution, you control the aspect ratio/ Orientation.

Generic – Provides three aspect ratios: 16:10, 16:9, and 4:3. In addition, you can manually set the Diagonal Size and the Orientation.

iPad – Provides control of the Orientation. The Diagonal Size is set at 9.7 inches.

iPad Mini – Provides control of the Orientation. The Diagonal Size is set at 7.9 inches.

iPhone – Provides control of the Orientation. The Diagonal Size is set at 3.5 inches.

iPhone 5 – Provides control of the Orientation. The Diagonal Size is set at 4.0 inches.

iPhone 6 – Provides control of the Orientation. The Diagonal Size is set at 4.7 inches.

iPhone 6 Plus – Provides control of the Orientation. The Diagonal Size is set at 5.5 inches.

TSC-3 – Three-inch capacitive touch screen provided by QSC.

TSC-7 – Seven-inch capacitive touch screen provided by QSC,

TSC-8 – Eight-inch capacitive touch screen provided by QSC.

The Q-SYS Designer components for the TSC-3 and TSC-8 and TSC-7w are found in the Inventory.



Generic 16:10

Generic 16:9

Generic 4:3


iPad Mini


iPhone 5

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Plus





Set to the orientation of the screen used to display the UCI. All Panel Types can be manually set, with the exception of the TSC-8 which is set to Landscap.



Diagonal Size (in.)

Set to the diagonal measurement of the screen used to display the UCI. Manually adjustable for Custom and Generic Panel Types.

1 to 200

Location (Tabs)

Available when there is more than one UCI page, and the Location Property is not "None".

Gives you the option to select the position of the Tabs used for navigation between multiple pages. If there is only one page, there are no Tabs.

NOTE:  If you plan to use Tabs, add them prior to adding any controls. When you add Tabs, the usable area for placing controls changes.






Style (Tabs)

Available when there is more than one UCI page, and the Location Property is not "None".

Gives you the option of Classic, or Chevron style tabs.



Font Size (Tabs)

Available when there is more than one UCI page, and the Location Property is not "None".

Controls the size of the font for the Tabs as displayed on the UCI.

6 to 64

Stroke Color

Available when there is more than one UCI page, and the Location Property is not "None".

Sets the color of the border between the tabs and UCI page.


Stroke Width

Available when there is more than one UCI page, and the Location Property is not "None".

Sets the width of the border between the tabs and UCI page.


Swipe Disabled

Turns the Swipe function on the touch screen on and off.



Horizontal Resolution

Available only with the Custom Panel Type.

1 to 10,000

Vertical Resolution

Available only with the Custom Panel Type.

1 to 10,000


Set this to Yes to hide this UCI from the iOS and Windows UCI viewers. You will be able to view this UCI on the TSC-8s and TSC-3s connected to your Q-LAN network.



Enable Button Swiping

Enables buttons that are behind images to be swiped.



Page Properties

Each page you add has its own Properties.





Select the background color of each individual UCI page.



To identify a UCI Page. Displays as a tab on the left side, and only when there is more than one page. In addition, you can change the Title by clicking the Page listed under the UCI in the User Control Interfaces list. Click the Page, then click directly on the Title to edit it.

User Defined

Building a User Control Interface

Building a UCI consists of adding controls and other items to the UCI in the UCI Design Interface. You can do this by the methods listed below. Once you a number of items in your UCI, you will probably want to arrange them to increase usability and appearance. Q-SYS provides a number of tools to do that.

Add a User Control Interface to the Design

  1. Select the User Control Interface accordion bar from the left-side pane.
  2. Click the plus sign ( +) on the right side of the User Control Interface accordion bar. By default, there are no UCIs listed with the exception of the system-generated Inventory Status. The first time you click the plus sign a new UCI displays in the list with a single page, and the UCI layout window displays. The layout window is "docked" as a tab on the top of Q-SYS Designer interface. You can right-click the tab to choose to "float" the window.
  3. Click the newly added UCI under the User Control Interface accordion bar. The Properties for the UCI display in the right-side pane.
  4. Select the desired settings in Properties for this UCI. Refer to the User Control Interface Properties.
  5. If necessary, expand the listed UCI in the left-side pane, and select Page 1 of the UCI. The Page Properties display in the right-side pane.
  6. Give a unique title to the Page in the Properties. When you name the Page, if there is more than one, the Page Title changes in the page tab in the layout window.
  7. To add more UCIs, click the plus sign ( +) and select New User Control Interface from the fly-out menu and repeat the appropriate steps in this procedure.
  8. To add more Pages, click the plus sign ( +) and select Add Web Page to, then select the desired UCI from the list that displays. A new page is added below the selected UCI.
  9. To change the order of pages in a UCI, expand the UCI in the left-side panel, then click and drag the page to its new position. The changes are reflected in the UCI when it is run.

Add Layers to the UCI Page

Adding layers to your UCI allows you to separate items on your UCI page for various reasons. When you create a page in the User Control Interface it has one layer by default. You cannot delete all of the layers on a page, one layer will always be on a page.

Adding or deleting content:

You may copy and paste, or drag and drop items onto the layer. For complete details, refer to "Arranging and Modifying Controls, Adding Text, and Adding Graphic Boxes" below.

To delete content, select the item you want to delete then right-click and select the X to delete the selected item. You cannot delete content from a layer when the layer is not visible, or when the layer is locked.

Adding and deleting layers:

  • To add a layer, click the add layer icon (1). A new layer is added. Layers are named Layer 1, Layer 2, and so on. If, for example, you rename Layer 1, then add another layer, it is named Layer 1.
  • To delete a layer, select the layer in the left pane you want to delete, then click the delete layer icon (2). The layer and any content on the layer is deleted. You can delete a layer from the left pane regardless of its visibility or lock state.
  • To move a layer, select the layer you want to move, and click the up or down arrows (3) until it is where you want it. Content on the higher layers displays on top of the content on lower layers.
  • To hide or display a layer, select the layer you want to hide (6) or display (4 and 5) and click the eyeball icon. When a layer is hidden you cannot select any content on that layer. You can delete the layer and the content on the layer is also deleted.
  • To lock or unlock a layer, select the layer you want to lock (5) or unlock (4 and 6) and click the lock icon. You cannot add, delete, or move any content on a locked layer. You can delete the layer when it is locked or unlocked.
  • You can script actions of the layers. For example:

Uci.SetLayerVisibility(<UCI name>, <Page Name>, <Layer Name>, <show>, <transition type> )

Uci.SetLayerVisibility("TSC-7", "Page 1", "Layer 2", true, "top" )

<show> is true or false (show or hide)

<transition type> is one of “fade”, “left”, “right”, “top”, “bottom”

Adding Navigation and Control Buttons to a UCI Page

When you select None for the Page Tabs Property, you will probably need to provide some type of navigation for the user. Q-SYS Designer provides two ways of adding navigation buttons to your UCI. In addition to the navigation type buttons, there are two control type buttons you can add. The Clean Screen Button allows you to start a timer on a TSC-3 or TSC-8 which disables the touch screen for 30 seconds to allow for cleaning. The Log Off Button will log off of the TSC-3 or TSC-8 touch screen if logging in is required.

Add Controls to the User Control Interface Layout Window

NOTE:  You must have at least one element of your design in the Schematic before you can add any controls or indicators to the UCI layout page.

NOTE:  Currently, the Equalizer, Dynamics components, and the 2D Matrix Panner cannot be displayed in a UCI. As of Q-SYS Designer 4.1, you can add the Responsalyzer, and RTA controls to the UCI's.

Refer to the Controls section of the About Schematic Elements topic for details about using controls.

  1. Select the Page in the layout window to which you are going to add the controls.
  2. Open the Control Panel for one of the Schematic Elements in your design.
  3. Select one or more controls in the Control Panel
  4. Once the desired controls are selected, drag, or copy and paste them into the UCI layout window. The controls you add to the UCI are directly linked to the controls in the component from which you selected them.
  5. You can arrange the controls in the UCI layout window as desired. Keep in mind that if you decide to change the location of the Tabs, the layout of controls may have to change.

Arranging and Modifying Controls, Adding Text, and Adding Graphic Boxes

IMPORTANT:   Because of the differences in the native Windows and Air text generation, there may be alignment differences between the UCI, and the deployed display. Before commissioning a UCI on a Web Control Interface, test it to be sure the alignment is adequate.

The following list of actions can be done in any order, and are optional.

A Text Block, when not selected, looks like a plain line of text with nothing surrounding it.

The Graphic Box is a means to visually group objects within a Q-SYS design, or UCI.

NOTE:  When you add graphics to a UCI, the images are scaled down for the Panel Type as set in the Properties of the UCI. The images are never scaled up.

Deploying User Control Interfaces

There are several ways you can display a User Control Interface for use:

Q-SYS UCI Viewer for Windows

Install the Q-SYS UCI Viewer on the Windows PC that will be used to view the UCI. Follow the instructions in the installation program. You can download the Q-SYS UCI Viewer from the QSC website as part of the Q-SYS Software download.

Start the UCI Viewer by clicking the UCI Viewer icon.

UCI Viewer Status/Control Component

The UCI Viewer Status/Control component allows you to control various aspects and see the status of a UCI when a UCI Viewer client is associated with the UCI.

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