
Use Tags to create PA Zone Groups, Command Groups, and/or User Groups. In addition, Tags simplify the task of assigning multiple elements to another element.

IMPORTANT:   When you make any changes in the Administrator, you must Update the Administrator for the changes to take effect. After making a change in a dialog box in the Administrator, and exiting the dialog box, a red banner displays across the top of the interface with an Update button, and a Cancel button.

Creating Tags

You can create Tags in three different tabs: PA Zones, Commands, and Users. Tags you create in one tab are listed in, and can be used in the other two tabs as well.

In the Administrator:

  1. Select either the PA Zones tab, Commands tab, or the Users tab.
  2. In the right side pane, click the plus (+) button. An empty field displays.
  3. Type the name you wish to use for the Tag.
  4. Press Enter. The Tag displays in the Tags list with the name, an empty checkbox, and an X.
  5. Continue to create Tags as required.

NOTE:  The Tags are listed alphabetically in the Tag list.

Assigning Tags

In the Administrator:

  1. Select either the PA Zones tab, Commands tab, or the Users tab.
  2. Select the PA Zone, Command, or User to which you want to assign a Tag. You may use Ctrl+click or Shift-click to select multiple elements.
  3. Click the checkbox of the Tag or Tags you wish to assign. The Tag displays to the right of the PA Zone, Command or User.

NOTE:  When you select a Zone, Command, or User that already has a Tag or Tags assigned, a check in the checkboxes of the assigned Tags displays. If you select multiple Zones, Commands, or Users, all of the common Tags are checked. The Tags that are assigned to only some of the Zones, Commands or Users, display the checkbox filled with a square, not a check mark.

Filtering by Tags

To filter using Tags, you must first create and assign the Tags. In the Administrator:

  1. Select either the PA Zones tab, Commands tab, or the Users tab.
  2. Click the filter icon in the top left corner (next to the plus sign). A list of Tags displays.
  3. Click the checkbox of the Tag or Tags you wish to filter by. Only the PA Zones, Commands or Users assigned the selected Tags display.
  4. Click the filter icon again and uncheck any or all of the Tags to remove or modify the filter.

Deleting Tags

In the Administrator:

  1. Select either the PA Zones tab, Commands tab, or the Users tab.
  2. Click the X on the right end of the Tag you wish to delete. The Tag is deleted.


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