Dynamic Pairing

Dynamic Pairing allows you to name a virtual, networked, Q-SYS device (I/O Frame, Page Station, I/O-22, or TSC-8 or TSC-3 Touchscreen Controller) in your design, then connect any matching hardware device to the Q-LAN network and pair it with the virtual device without changing either the name of the hardware or virtual device.  In previous Q-SYS releases, in order to add a peripheral device to a Q-SYS system, you had to redeploy the design to the Core. During a redeploy, the Core must reload the Q-SYS design file, bringing all audio and control streams down for several seconds. The Dynamic Pairing feature prevents audio and control downtime because it allows you to add a peripheral device to your Q-SYS system without having to redeploy your design. If a device is redundant, it cannot be paired.

The hardware devices you pair with the virtual devices in your design must be the same type of hardware, and the same configuration. For example, if you define a virtual I/O Frame with four Line Out cards, you can only use an I/O Frame with four Line Out cards to pair with the virtual one you defined.

Q-SYS Administrator - Dynamic Pairing tab

  1. Name - The name you give to the virtual device in your design.
  2. Method - The default is None, to pair devices, you must select one of the following:
    1. Net Name - Provides a list (in the Data column drop-down) of the network name for the hardware devices you can pair with the virtual device named in your design. When you replace a hardware device, you must pair the new hardware device to the correct virtual device.
    2. Switch Port - The Switch Port includes the MAC address of the port, the port number, and the unit number. You can pair devices based on the switch port the device is plugged in to. To use the Switch Port method, the switch must support the Link Layer Discovery Protocol ( LLDP) protocol. When you replace a hardware device just plug the new hardware into the same port as the one being replaced, and Q-SYS makes the connection automatically.
  3. Pairing Data - The Pairing Data drop-down becomes active after the Mode is selected. The drop-down displays a list of devices of the same type as the Name column for a given row. For example, if the Name column is a Page Station, only page stations are listed in the Pairing Data column.
  4. NOTE:  The Data list does not filter based on the configuration of a piece of hardware, only the type. For example, the virtual device is an I/O Frame with four Line Out cards. When you select the hardware device in the Data column, all I/O Frames are listed, not just I/O Frames with four Line Out cards.

  5. Save the Information - When you make a change, a red banner displays at the top of the screen with the Update and Cancel buttons. Click Update to save your changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Setup Procedure

  1. In your Q-SYS Designer design, define one or more virtual devices that you want to be able to pair with any hardware device, of the same type and configuration, without having to rename the hardware, or the device in your design.
    1. The devices currently available for Dynamic Pairing are: I/O Frames, Page Stations, I/O-22's, and TSC-8 Touchscreen Controllers.
    2. For each virtual device you want to pair, select Dynamic Pairing = Yes in the Properties of each device.
    3. For each virtual device you want to pair, select Is Required = Yes or No. If you select Yes, Q-SYS shows that device as a fault - missing (red) if there is no associated hardware connected. If you select No, Q-SYS shows that device as not present (gray) if there is no associated hardware connected.
    4. When you name the virtual device, you may want to give it a name indicating that it can be dynamically paired.
  2. Connect the hardware to the Q-LAN network.
  3. Save and run the design on the Core.
  4. Open the Q-SYS Administrator (standalone, or from Q-SYS Designer), and select the Dynamic Pairing tab. A list of virtual devices available for pairing displays under the Name column.
  5. NOTE:  If you do not have any devices with the Property "Is Dynamic" set to "Yes" in your design, the Dynamic Pairing tab does not display. Refer to the individual help topics for specific information.

  6. Select the Name of the virtual device you want to pair with hardware.
  7. Under Mode, use the drop-down list to select either NetId or PortId. (See details above.)
  8. After selecting the Mode the Data column drop-down for that device is active and you are able to select the hardware device based on the Mode.
  9. Repeat these steps for each virtual device you wish to pair with a hardware device.
  10. Click the Save button in the upper right corner.

Changing Hardware

Use this procedure when you want to change the hardware connected to a virtual device. The type and configuration of hardware device and the virtual device, to which you are pairing it, must match.

When the Mode is NetId

  1. Connect the new hardware to the Q-LAN network. Be sure it is the same type and configuration as the hardware you are replacing.
  2. Open Q-SYS Administrator, select the Dynamic Pairing tab.
  3. Find and select the Name of the virtual device currently paired with the hardware device you want to replace.
  4. Use the drop-down under Data to select the new hardware you want to pair to the selected virtual device.
  5. Click the Save button in the upper right corner.

When the Mode is PortId

  1. If there is hardware connected to the switch port you want to use, remove the existing hardware.
  2. Connect the new hardware to the switch port. Q-SYS automatically pairs the new hardware with the virtual device.


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