AES 16-Channel Input Card (CIAES-16)

Type 2 Hardware

Type 2 hardware provides new cables and connectors between the I/O cards and main boards in Cores and I/O Frames. Due to this change, the Type 2 hardware is not physically compatible with the older hardware. You can still integrate the new I/O Frames and Cores in the same system with older hardware, but the I/O cards are not interchangeable. Type 2 hardware can be identified by a yellow label on the back of the Core and I/O Frame, and the bottom of the I/O cards.

CIAES16 is a 16-channel AES/EBU (AES3) 24-bit digital input card that can be used in any Q-SYS Core or I/O Frame. Utilizes IT industry standard RJ45 connectors.

AES 16-Channel Input card (CIAES16)

Dynamic range




Distortion (20Hz - 20 kHz)

Max Input Level Setting

+27 dBu (max)

0 dBu (max)

-27 dBu (max)

-54 dBu (max)


Crosstalk (20 Hz - 20 kHz)

Inter-channel (max)

Inter-channel (typ)

Intra-channel (max)

Intra-channel (typ)


Frequency Response

20Hz - 20 kHz (max)

20Hz - 20kHz (typ)



Digital Mute

Infinite Attenuation


Input Impedance

Balanced (nominal)

Unbalanced (nominal)


Common Mode Rejection

20Hz - 20kHz (Min)

20Hz - 20kHz (Typ)


Input level

Adjustable in 1 dB steps





Audio Converters




Group Delay

Analog to Digital Conversion (ADCs)

Digital to Analog Conversion (DACs)

Input with SRC


Input without SRC

at 24 kHz 5.09 ms
at 32 kHz 4.03 ms
at 48 kHz 2.96 ms
at 96 kHz

1.89 ms

at 192 kHz 1.36 ms

0.062 ms



Two RJ45 connectors


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