PA Zones

PA Zones are defined in the Q-SYS Designer design in the Properties of the PA Router component. The number of PA Zones you specify in the design is reflected in the Administrator PA Zones tab. You assign PA Zones to Commands to control where the event, associated with the Command, is broadcast.

The PA Zones tab allows you to rename the zones, and create and assign Tags to the PA Zones.

The PA Zones are initially named Zone 1, Zone 2, and so on. Rename a PA Zone by double-clicking the name, and typing over the existing name.

NOTE:  The number next to a PA Zone identifies the pin number on the PA Router for that zone.

IMPORTANT:   When you make any changes in the Administrator, you must Update the Administrator for the changes to take effect. After making a change in a dialog box in the Administrator, and exiting the dialog box, a red banner displays across the top of the interface with an Update button, and a Cancel button. | Software and Firmware | Resources | QSC Self Help Portal

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