SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

SNMP allows you to manage and/or monitor devices on your Q-SYS Q-LAN network for conditions that may need attention. With the use of a third-party MIB (Management Information Base) browser you can poll any Q-SYS device that provides Status information and is connected to Q-LAN.

Depending on the browser you select, you can access the Q-SYS information using SNMP v2c and/or SNMP v3. The parameters for each version are set in the Q-SYS Administrator, SNMP tab. The parameters must be set to the same values in the MIB browser. The information in the tables below explains the SNMP access parameters.

NOTE:  The Trap feature of SNMP is not available with Q-SYS at this time.

MIB Files

You must load the Q-SYS MIB into a MIB Browser to access the Q-SYS SNMP objects by name.

NOTE:  You can put the MIB anywhere as long as the MIB browser has access to the location.

Supported Third-Party MIBs

Inventory Table

Each device in the Q-SYS design's Inventory has an entry with the following objects:

invDeviceName (Read Only) – the name of the Inventory device

invDeviceType (Read Only) – the type of Inventory device (Core, Peripheral, Page Station, Amplifier, Streaming I/O, Touchscreen )

invDeviceModel (Read Only) – the specific model of the Inventory device

invDeviceLocation (Read Only) – the Location of the Inventory device

invDeviceStatus (Read Only) – the Status string

invDeviceStatusValue (Read Only) – the Status value ( 0 = OK, 1 = Compromised, 2 = Fault, 3 = Absent, 4 = Unknown, 5 = Initializing)

Snapshot Table

Each Snapshot Bank has an entry with the following objects:

ssSnapshotName (Read Only) -- the Name of the Snapshot Bank

ssSsTotalSnapshots (Read Only) – the total available snapshots in the Snapshot Bank

ssActiveSnapshot (Read/Write) – Sets the active Snapshot

ssRampTimeSec (Read/Write) – Sets the time it takes for the controls to reach the saved position or value (in seconds) .

NOTE:  For all other Q-SYS SNMP objects, please see MIB file.


The settings for these controls must be the same (where appropriate) in the MIB browser and on the Q-SYS Core.

SNMP v2c



Default / Range


Controls permissions to the SNMP.

Default = Read/Write

Range =

  • Disabled
  • Read Only
  • Read/Write


A string of text set up in the MIB browser and on the Core using Q-SYS Administrator. The string must match.

N / A




Default / Range


Sets the level of permissions available when using SNMP.

Default = Read/Write

Range =

  • Disabled
  • Read Only
  • Read/Write


The username used to access the SNMP information. The username entered in the MIB browser must match this name.


Security Level

  • No Authorization – requires only the username
  • Authorization no Privacy – requires a password, allows selection of Authentication Protocol (MP5 or SHA)
  • Authorization and Privacy – adds another layer of security with another password, using DES or AES encryption.

Default = No Authorization

Range =

  • No Authorization
  • Authorization no Privacy
  • Authorization no Privacy

Password (Authorization no Privacy)

This password is available when you select either Authorization no Privacy or Authorization and Privacy.

The password is encrypted and masked. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters.

N / A

Auth Protocol

Select either MP5 or SHA. Both of these are ways to encrypt the signature attached to the SNMP message.

Default = MP5

Range = MP5 or SHA

Password (Authorization and Privacy)

This password is available when you select Authorization and Privacy which encrypts the entire SNMP message. The password is encrypted and masked. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters.

N / A


Select either AES or DES encryption.

Default = DES

Range = DES or AES | Software and Firmware | Resources | QSC Self Help Portal

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