Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixer

The Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixer takes a number of audio inputs, allows one or more of the inputs to pass, while attenuating others based on the level and, if Side Chain filters are used, frequency of the input.

The Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixer is primarily used for multiple live microphones operating in the same room together as a system, for example, in boardrooms, classrooms, churches, courtrooms, etc. The Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixer controls the live microphones by turning up microphones when someone is talking and turning down microphones that are not used. It is a voice-activated, real-time process without an operator. The Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixer controls the additive effect of multiple microphones being on at the same time and adapts to changing background noise conditions. The gain of each microphone input is calculated as the ratio of its RMS level to the combined RMS levels of all inputs. This ensures unity system gain at all times.

The Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixer is capable of up to 512 input channels, channel only output, a mixed output, or both, seven Side Chain Filters, and three pre-set Detector Times and one adjustable. | Software and Firmware | Resources | QSC Self Help Portal

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