User Control Interfaces (Administrator)

The User Control Interfaces tab displays a list of all the UCIs in the running Q-SYS design. It provides the capability of requiring users to log on to the UCI or not. The logon requirements are set for each UCI individually.

Double-click one of the listed UCIs to display the Edit UCI Properties dialog box.

IMPORTANT:   When you make any changes in the Administrator, you must Update the Administrator for the changes to take effect. After making a change in a dialog box in the Administrator, and exiting the dialog box, a red banner displays across the top of the interface with an Update button, and a Cancel button.




Default / Range

Require User Logon

Determines if the Users must logon to the UCI or not.

If you select No:

  • Anyone can use the UCI.

If you select Yes:

  • A list of all the Users defined on the Users tab displays.
  • You can select the Users you want to be able to logon to the Page Station. See Allowed UCI Users below.

No / Yes

Allowed UCI Users

Determines which Users are allowed to logon to the UCI. (This selection is available only when Require User Logon is set to Yes.)

Checking a User's checkbox gives permission for that User to logon to the UCI. Leaving the checkbox un-checked denies permission to logon to the UCI.

You can select individual Users, or if you have Tagged the Users, you can select a group of Users by selecting one of the Tags. The number of Users grouped by a Tag is shown to the right of the Tag. The plus sign to the left of the Tag is used to expand the Tag and reveal which Users are included in the Tag group.

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