Named Components

Component objects allow access to Named Components in the design. Names are given to components by typing in their component blocks (unique, non-default names). The returned value is a table of all controls in that component.

Note: You can use ToolsView Component Controls Info to see a list of all controls for a selected component, including a named component. See Viewing Component Control Information.


-- assuming 2 gain components, one called 'gain a' and the

-- other called 'gain b'

gainA = Component.New("gain a")

gainB = Component.New("gain b")

-- In this case we are watching the gain of 'gain a' and

-- muting 'gain b' if 'gain a' goes above 0 dB.

gainA.gain.EventHandler = function( ctl )

if gainA.gain.Value > 0 then

gainB.mute.Boolean = true


gainB.mute.Boolean = false



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