Network Settings

Use Network Settings to view and configure how the Q-SYS Core connects to the network. Click Edit to change these settings.

CAUTION: The Gateway value (also known as the default Gateway) is used across all Q-SYS Core LAN adapters, and is only required if the Core needs to communicate outside its local subnet. To avoid connectivity issues, multiple LAN adapters cannot use the same Gateway value, whether in Auto (DHCP) or Static mode. If multiple LAN adapters must be routed to different subnets, configure only one Gateway (for example, on LAN B), and then configure Static Routes on the other LAN adapters (for example, on LAN A).


LAN Adapters – LAN A, LAN B, AUX LAN

Select how each of the Core's LAN adapters connects to your network. Depending on your Core model, only a subset of the LAN adapters may be available – for example, your Core model may not have 'AUX LAN'.


Select whether to enable or disable Domain Name Service (DNS). A DNS server entry is required only if the Q-SYS Core must resolve DNS hostnames – for example, a SIP proxy address given as a name instead of an IP address.

When enabled, set the Primary and Secondary DNS server addresses.

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