
Use the Contacts page to create Local and LDAP contact books for use by the Contact List component, which you can then use to feed dial strings into a Softphone.

By default, Q-SYS Cores do not have any contact books configured. To get started, click Create Local Book or Create LDAP Book.

Local Books

A Local book contains contact names that are stored on the Q-SYS Core. Select a Local book, and then click Edit to begin adding contacts.

  1. Provide a unique Book Name to identify the book.
  2. Click Add First Contact.
  3. Type a contact Name and phone Number.
  4. Click + Add Contact to continue adding more names and numbers.
  5. Click Save.

LDAP Books

An LDAP book is a connection to a networked contact list stored on an LDAP server, such as Microsoft Exchange. Select an LDAP book from the list, and then click Edit to enter the connection credentials.

Note: You may need to contact your network administrator to obtain the appropriate LDAP server credentials.

Click Save to add the configured LDAP book to the list.

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