Design Properties

To access Design Properties, select File > Design Properties while in Design Mode.

PTPv2 Domain

This is the domain that Q-SYS will use whenever the design requires clock synchronization, such as when routing audio to and from Q-LAN RX and TX components (Core-to-Core streaming), AES67 Receiver and Transmitter components, or Q-SYS peripherals. You can also use this property to enable or disable synchronizing with other PTPv2-aware devices on the network. The value must be identical in each design requiring synchronization between Q-SYS Cores.

PTP Priority

Used to help determine which device will be the PTPv2 Grandmaster in a system featuring multiple Q-SYS Cores or PTPv2-aware devices.

QoS Preset

Select the DSCP Quality of Service (QoS) markings to apply to various Q-SYS data types. DSCP markings are used by the network switch to prioritize these data types with other data on the network. For more information, see Q-SYS DSCP Mappings.

PTPv2 DSCP Value

In Manual mode, select a PTPv2 DSCP value from 0 to 63. PTPv2 must be the highest priority on your network to ensure that all Q-SYS devices are synchronized correctly. Poor clock sync over the network results in audio and video dropouts.

Audio DSCP Value

In Manual mode, select an Audio DSCP value from 0 to 63. Audio streams (both Q-LAN and AES67) must be the second highest priority on your network. Excessive delay of audio packets over the network results in audio dropouts.

Camera DSCP Value

In Manual mode, select a Video DSCP value from 0 to 63. Camera streams must be the third highest priority on your network to avoid video dropouts when using Q‑SYS AV-to-USB Bridging.

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