Event Log

The Event Log page provides a listing of events that take place on the Q-SYS Core. The Event Log is stored on the Q-SYS Core (not within the design file), so events associated with a previous design are not cleared when saving and running a new design.

Note: The Q-SYS Core retains a maximum of 5000 logged events, with the oldest events removed to make room for new events.

Viewing Events

Events are listed by order of newest first. All logged events are assigned a severity level:


The event is an expected occurrence, indicating healthy operation.


The event indicates compromised operation of the affected source and reduced functionality, such as a network redundancy (LAN B) communication problem.


The event indicates a more serious issue with the affected source, such as a connection failure, clock sync fault, or missing device.

Clearing Events

To clear the event log, click Clear Events.

CAUTION: This action cannot be undone.

Filtering Events

Click Show Filters to enable event log filtering. You can filter by severity, category, source, and with a defined date range.

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