Popup Button Component

The Popup button, found in the Layout section of the Schematic Library, provides a popup window into which you can place objects. Once an object is in the popup window, you can close the window to reduce "clutter" in your schematic.


The Popup button has no controls of its own except opening and closing the popup window by double clicking the button. Once the window is open in Design mode, you can size it, and drag it to any side of the Popup Button.When you have objects in the widow, they are "anchored" to the upper left corner, which means when you size it from the top side of the window, the objects move with the sizing. Sizing from the bottom does not move the objects in the window. You can drag controls from components, graphics, pictures, and so on into the popup window. You cannot place an entire component into a popup window.


Graphic Properties





The first number controls the horizontal position, the second controls the vertical position.

User defined


The first number controls the horizontal size, the second controls the vertical size.

User defined


Selects the fill color of the button, and the outer edge of the popup window.

User defined


Select the color for the background of the popup window.

User defined

Corner Radius

Adjusts the corner radius of the button.

0 to 300

Popup Corner Radius

Adjusts the corner radius of the popup window

0 to 300


Adjusts the margin between the filled or colored area of the button and the actual size of the button.You can click anywhere within the "size" of the button to control the popup. The size of the button is controlled by the Size Property, or by dragging one of the handles on the button.

1 to 64

Popup Margin

Controls the width of the border around the popup.

Note: The popup must be large enough to have a very large margin, an error is produced if you make the margin to large. If you want the smallest window with the largest possible margin, size the window to very large, add the wide margin, then down-size the window.

0 to 64

Text Style





Size of the Label text in the button.

6 to 64

Horizontal Alignment

Controls the horizontal alignment of the Label text in the button.




Vertical Alignment

Controls the vertical alignment of the Label text in the button.




Control Pins

There are no Control Pins for the Popup button.


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