Component objects allow access to Named Components in the design. Create a Named Component by typing a unique, non-default name in any component block.

Create a Named Component reference in your script.
In this example, we have two Named Components in a design, "gain a" and "gain b". We are watching the gain of "gain a" and muting "gain b" if "gain a" goes above 0 dB.
gainA = Component.New("gain a") gainB = Component.New("gain b") gainA.gain.EventHandler = function( ctl ) if gainA.gain.Value > 0 then gainB.mute.Boolean = true else gainB.mute.Boolean = false end end

Returns a table of all controls in the specified Named Component.
Note: You can also use Tools > View Component Controls Info to see a list of all controls for a selected component, including a named component. See Viewing Component Control Information.

In this example, we have a Blinking LED component named "led". We want to obtain a list of all its controls and their properties.
blinker = Component.New("led") b_ctrls = Component.GetControls(blinker) print("Component GetControls: ") for _,b_element in ipairs(b_ctrls) do print("Name: "..tostring(b_element.Name)) print(".\tValue: "..tostring(b_element.Value)) print(".\tString: "..tostring(b_element.String)) print(".\tPosition: "..tostring(b_element.Position)) print(".\tType: "..tostring(b_element.Type)) print(".\tDirection: "..tostring(b_element.Direction)) print(".\tMinValue: "..tostring(b_element.MinValue)) print(".\tMaxValue: "..tostring(b_element.MaxValue)) print(".\tMinString: "..tostring(b_element.MinString)) print(".\tMaxString: "..tostring(b_element.MaxString)) end
Note: b_element.Boolean
, RampTime
, and Index
are omitted from the request since they do not apply in this context.
Debug Output
2019-10-28T18:48:10.938Starting Script 2019-10-28T18:48:10.938Component GetControls: 2019-10-28T18:48:10.938Name: blink 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Value: true 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. String: true 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Position: 1.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Type: Boolean 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Direction: Read Only 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinValue: 0.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxValue: 1.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinString: false 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxString: true 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939Name: duty.cycle 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Value: 50.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. String: 50.0% 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Position: 0.5 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Type: Float 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Direction: Read/Write 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinValue: 10.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxValue: 90.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinString: 10.0% 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxString: 90.0% 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939Name: enable 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Value: true 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. String: enabled 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Position: 1.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Type: Boolean 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Direction: Read/Write 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinValue: 0.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxValue: 1.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinString: disabled 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxString: enabled 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939Name: random 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Value: false 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. String: disabled 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Position: 0.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Type: Boolean 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Direction: Read/Write 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinValue: 0.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxValue: 1.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinString: disabled 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxString: enabled 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939Name: time 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Value: 10.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. String: 10.0s 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Position: 1.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Type: Float 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. Direction: Read/Write 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinValue: 0.1 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxValue: 10.0 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MinString: 100ms 2019-10-28T18:48:10.939. MaxString: 10.0s

In this example, we know that a Custom Controls component (named "cc") contains a control called time.1
. We want to obtain the properties only for that control.
cc = Component.New("cc") local ctl = cc["time.1"] cc_ctrls = Component.GetControls(cc) print("Properties for time.1 :") print(".\tValue: "..tostring(ctl.Value)) print(".\tString: "..tostring(ctl.String)) print(".\tPosition: "..tostring(ctl.Position)) print(".\tBoolean: "..tostring(ctl.Boolean)) print(".\tRampTime: "..tostring(ctl.RampTime)) print(".\tIndex: "..tostring(ctl.Index)) print(".\tType: "..tostring(ctl.Type)) print(".\tDirection: "..tostring(ctl.Direction)) print(".\tMinValue: "..tostring(ctl.MinValue)) print(".\tMaxValue: "..tostring(ctl.MaxValue)) print(".\tMinString: "..tostring(ctl.MinString)) print(".\tMaxString: "..tostring(ctl.MaxString))
Note: ctl.Name
is omitted since it does not apply in this context.
Debug Output
2019-10-28T19:45:52.318Starting Script 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318Properties for time.1 : 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. Value: 80.200004577637 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. String: 00:01:20 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. Position: 0.72000002861023 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. Boolean: true 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. RampTime: 0.0 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. Index: -1 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. Type: Time 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. Direction: Read/Write 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. MinValue: 1.0 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. MaxValue: 111.0 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. MinString: 00:00:01 2019-10-28T19:45:52.318. MaxString: 00:01:51