Debug Output
The Debug Output window displays print output from the script, as well as any error messages from the Lua engine describing errors in the script.

- Click
to delete all current output in the window.
- Click
to copy the current output to your computer's clipboard. You can then paste it into a text program.
- If your script generates a high rate of output, click
to stop the output from scrolling. Click
to resume scrolling.

You can view output in normal and hex format.
- Select Normal (default) to view all output as normal text.
- Select Normal + Hex to view output as normal text and translate any unprintable characters to hex. (Only unprintable characters are translated to hex.)
- Select Hex to translate all output to hex format. (Every character is shown as hex.)

- Select AutoSave to specify a text file name and location on your computer to continuously save the debug output when new data is written.
- Click
to select a new file name and location for the saved output.

If you reference an input or output that has nothing connected to it, you'll see this error message or similar:
[string "cin_speaker = Controls.Inputs[1]..."]:43: attempt to index global 'cin_ramptime' (a nil value)