UCI Design

The Q-SYS User Control Interface (UCI) provides a means by which a user can control defined parts of a Q-SYS design via a networked device such as the Q-SYS touchscreen controller (TSC) panel, Windows based PC, Apple iPad, iPhone, and others. The UCI is created in Q-SYS Designer, and has one or more pages that can contain controls, indicators, and graphic objects dragged in from the Schematic. Graphic objects and images can also be inserted directly into UCI pages by dragging and dropping, or copying and pasting from other applications (Not all applications support both methods.).

You can deploy and view a UCI on several device types and viewers, including Q-SYS touchscreen controllers, Q-SYS UCI Viewer, UCI Viewer Status\Control component for Windows, and Apple iOS devices. See Deploying User Control Interfaces.

Note: The deployment of a UCI is a licensed feature on certain Cores manufactured with Q-SYS 7.0 and later. For more information, see Licensing.

You can control access to individual UCIs with Q-SYS Core Manager. See User Control Interfaces.