The Ssh object allows Q-SYS cores to make secure client connections to devices on the network. It is very similar to TcpSocket, but requires additional connection arguments (host, port, user, password). Unlike TcpSocket, a standard, unified event handler function is not supported. Additionally, compared to TcpSocket, there is a LoginFailed event handler that is called if login credentials are incorrect.

Creates a new SSH instance.

Attempts to connect using the specified host address, port, and credentials.
:Connect("host", port, "user", "password")
host : String. The IP Address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name) which represents the remote host.
port : Integer, 0 - 65535. The connection port number on the remote host.
user : String. The connection user name, in quotes.
password : String. The connection password, in quotes.
Note: When using PKI authentication, the password field is ignored but currently required. See PKI Authentication Methods.

Disconnects the socket.

Writes specified data to the socket. Raises error if socket is not connected.
data : String. The data to write to the socket.

Attempts to read up to 'length' bytes from socket. These bytes are removed from the buffer, leaving any remaining bytes beyond the 'length' specified.
length : Positive integer. The number of bytes of data to read from the socket buffer.
Return Value
Returns a string containing the number of bytes requested or the number of bytes available, whichever comes first. Returns Nil if the buffer is empty.

Attempts to read a 'line' from the socket buffer.
:ReadLine(TcpSocket.EOL.keyword, <custom>)
TcpSocket.EOL.keyword : The EOL keyword can be any of the types shown in the EOL table below.
custom : Used only if the EOL keyword is Custom. A string literal containing the custom end of line character combination to search for.
TcpSocket.EOL Keywords |
Description |
Any |
The end of line is any sequence of any number of carriage return and/or linefeed characters. This is the appropriate choice if the protocol uses simply a carriage return as the end of message. |
CrLf |
The end of the line is an optional carriage return, followed by a linefeed. (In other words, it is either a "\r\n" or a "\n".) This format is useful in parsing text-based Internet protocols, since the standards generally prescribe a "\r\n" line-terminator, but nonconformant clients sometimes use just "\n". |
CrLfStrict |
The end of a line is a single carriage return, followed by a single linefeed. (This is also known as "\r\n". The ASCII values are 0x0D 0x0A). |
Lf |
The end of a line is a single linefeed character. (This is also known as "\n". It is ASCII value is 0x0A.) |
Null |
The end of line is a single byte with the value 0 — an ASCII NUL. |
Custom |
The end of line is defined by the string passed into the ReadLine() method. |
Return Value
Nil if the EOL was not found, otherwise returns the string up to the EOL sequence.

Searches the socket buffer for string 'str' (starting at integer 'start_pos') and returns the index of where 'str' is found. 'start_pos' defaults to 1.
:Search(str, [start_pos])
str : The string to search for.
start_pos : Integer. Optional. The index of where to start in the socket buffer. Default is index 1.
Return Value
Nil if the search string was not found, otherwise returns the integer index of where the search string was found.

Use these methods when communicating with a client that requires PKI-based authentication.

The public key must be in SSH-format.
ssh.PublicKey = "<algorithm> <key> <comment>"
ssh.PublicKey = " AAAAIHNza1234....

The private key must be in OpenSSL PEM format.
ssh.PrivateKey = [[-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- <key> -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----]]
ssh.PrivateKey = [[-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----

The password used in conjunction with a private key (if the private key is password-protected).
ssh.PrivateKeyPassword = "<password>"
ssh.PrivateKeyPassword = "SecretDontTellAnyone"

Use for certificate-based access.
ssh.Certificate = "<certificate>"
ssh.Certificate = " AAAAIHNzaC1l12345TE..."

Name |
Function Signature |
Description |
.LoginFailed |
function( tcpTable ) |
Assign a function which is called upon a failed login. |
.Connected |
function( tcpTable ) |
Assign a function which is called upon connection to remote host |
.Reconnect |
function( tcpTable ) |
Assign a function which is called when socket is attempting to reconnect to the remote host |
.Data |
function( tcpTable) |
Assign a function which is called when there is new data available in the socket buffer |
.Closed |
function( tcpTable ) |
Assign a function which is called when the socket is closed by the remote host |
.Error |
function( tcpTable, err ) |
Assign a function which is called when the socket is closed due to error. The error argument in the function will contain more information, which can be displayed if a variable was created to catch the error message. |
.Timeout |
function( tcpTable, err) |
Assign a function which is called when a read or write timeout is triggered and the socket was closed. |

Name |
Description |
Connected |
The socket has connected to the remote host. |
Reconnect |
The socket is attempting to reconnect to the remote host |
Data |
There is new data available in the socket buffer |
Closed |
The socket was closed by the remote host |
Error |
The socket was closed due to error. The error argument to the EventHandler will have more information, which can be displayed if a variable was created to catch the error message. |
Timeout |
A read or write timeout was triggered and the socket was closed. |

Name |
Notes |
Description |
.ReadTimeout |
Optional; Default is 0 ( disabled ) |
Time, in seconds, to wait for data to be available on socket before raising an error. |
.WriteTimeout |
Optional; Default is 0 ( disabled ) |
Time, in seconds, to wait for data write to complete before raising an error. |
.ReconnectTimeout |
Optional; Default is 5 seconds |
Time in seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect. 0 disables automatic reconnect. |
.IsConnected |
Read-Only |
Returns true if socket is connected. |
.IsInteractive |
Optional; can be true or false. Default is false. |
Some devices require "interactive mode" for SSH connections, which opens a PTY (Pseudoterminal). Set this property to 'true' if your device requires this. See the example SSH with 'interactive mode' enabled. |
.BufferLength |
Read-Only |
Amount of data in buffer, in bytes. |

-- Aliases
IPAddress = Controls.IPAddress
UserName = Controls.UserName
Password = Controls.Password
-- Constants
SSH = Ssh.New() -- create new SSH object
SSH.ReadTimeout = 5 -- set read timeout to 5 seconds
SSH.WriteTimeout = 5 -- set write timeout to 5 seconds
SSH.ReconnectTimeout = 5 -- set reconnect timeout to 5 seconds
Port = 22 -- port of the SSH server
-- Functions
function CredentialsEntered() -- returns true if ip, user name and password have been entered
return IPAddress.String~="" and UserName.String~="" and Password.String~=""
function Connect() -- function to start the SSH session
if SSH.IsConnected then SSH:Disconnect() end -- if SSH is connected disconnect
if CredentialsEntered() then SSH:Connect(IPAddress.String,Port,UserName.String,Password.String) end -- if all credentials are entered attempt to connect
function Initialization() -- function called at start of runtime
print("Initializing plugin")
function ParseResponse() -- function that reads the SSH TCP socket
local rx=SSH:Read(SSH.BufferLength) -- assign the contents of the buffer to a variable
print("RX: "..rx)
-- SSH socket callbacks
SSH.Connected=function() -- function called when the TCP socket is connected
print("Socket connected")
SSH.Reconnect=function() -- function called when the TCP socket is reconnected
print("Socket reconnecting...")
SSH.Closed=function() -- function called when the TCP socket is closed
print("Socket closed")
SSH.Error=function() -- function called when the TCP socket has an error
print("Socket error")
SSH.Timeout=function() -- function called when the TCP socket times out
print("Socket timeout")
SSH.LoginFailed=function() -- function called when SSH login fails
print("SSH login failed")
SSH.Data=ParseResponse -- ParseResponse is called when the SSH object has data
-- EventHandlers
IPAddress.EventHandler = Connect
UserName.EventHandler = Connect
Password.EventHandler = Connect
-- Start at runtime
Initialization() -- calls the Initialization function at the start of runtime

ssh = Ssh.New()
address = ""
port = 22
user = "root"
-- public key
ssh.Certificate = " AAAAIHNzaC1lZDI1NTE5LWNlcnQtXNlci1y...AAAtzc2gtZWnUm3bNFDA== user@server"
-- private key in OpenSSL PEM format
ssh.PrivateKey = [[-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----
ssh.PrivateKeyPassword = "test@123"
timer = Timer.New()
timer.EventHandler = function()
ssh:Write("date && hostname\n")
ssh.Connected = function()
print("ssh connected")
ssh.Reconnect = function()
print("ssh reconnect")
ssh.Data = function()
print("ssh data")
line = ssh:ReadLine(TcpSocket.EOL.Any)
while line do
line = ssh:ReadLine(TcpSocket.EOL.Any)
ssh.Closed = function()
print("ssh closed")
ssh.Error = function(s, err)
print("ssh error", err)
ssh.Timeout = function()
print("ssh timeout")
ssh.LoginFailed = function()
print("ssh LoginFailed")
ssh:Connect(address, port, user, "")

Set the .IsInteractive
property to 'true' if your client device requires it.
ssh = Ssh.New()
ssh.IsInteractive = true