Status (CX-Q, CXD-Q, DPA-Q Series)
This topic covers the Status component for the CX-Q, CXD-Q, and DPA-Q network amplifiers.

CX-Q, CXD-Q, and DPA-Q Amplifier Properties
The Name may contain ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen. Names cannot begin or end with a hyphen. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or blank spaces are permitted.
Note: This name must match the Hostname for the device as defined in Core Manager or Peripheral Manager.
User-defined name that groups the component with other components in the same physical location – for example, "Rack 1" – or in the same organizational scheme.
Is Network Redundant
Select whether the device is connected to redundant networks.
Is Required
When enabled, and the device is not found on the network, the device is reported as 'Missing', which is an error condition. This is the default behavior. When disabled, and the device is not found on the network, the device is reported as 'Not Present', which is not an error condition.
Dynamically Paired
Indicates that this virtual component can be paired with the same type of hardware without changing the network ID of the hardware or the name of this component. Refer to the Q-SYS Core Manager Dynamic Pairing topic for more information. The default is 'No'.
Available only when the Status component is selected in the Schematic.
Displays the Networking and Audio Stream details for LAN A (and LAN B, if applicable to the device). You must have Is Network Redundant set to Yes to see LAN B details.
Select the hardware model from the drop-down list.
Channel Configuration
Select the configuration needed for your venue.
Note: Eight-channel models have two sets of four channels for configuration.
- 4 Channel, A B C D
- 3 Channel, A+B Bridged
- 2 Channel, A+B Bridged C+D Bridged
- 3 Channel, AB Parallel
- 2 Channel, AB Parallel C+D Bridged
- 2 Channel, A B Parallel C D Parallel
- 1 Channel, A B Parallel Bridged with CD Parallel
- 2 Channel, A B C Parallel
- 1 Channel, A B C D Parallel
Channel configurations are as follows:
- Space between letters (A B C D) = single channels,
- "+" between letters (A+B) = bridged,
- no space between letters (ABCD) = parallel.
When you make your selection, then run the design, the configuration is made available to the amplifier. Follow the instructions on the amplifier display.
Standalone Mode
Off – Turns Standalone Mode off.
One-to-one – Each audio input is routed to its corresponding output Ch1 – Output A, Ch2 – Output B, Ch3 – Output C, Ch4 – Output D.
One-to-all – Input Channel 1 is routed to all outputs.
Note: See the Standalone section below for details.
Graphic Properties
Use the Label property to change the name of the component in the schematic. The Label property defaults to the component name. To learn more about renaming schematic elements, see Organizing Your Design.
The coordinates reference a specific place in the schematic - for example,"100,100" (horizontal, vertical). 0,0 is the upper left corner of the schematic.
Sets the fill color of the component in the schematic.
Script Access Properties
Code Name
Displays the currently assign name for control access. You can use the auto-assigned name or customize it. Q-SYS will automatically check all Code Names in the design to ensure name is unique.
Script Access
Defines whether the component will be accessible by script and/or externally, or not at all. Choices include All, External, None (default), and Script.
Tip: Use Script Programmer Mode to quickly view the Script Access setting directly on the component in the design schematic without the need to disconnect from the Q-SYS Core processor.

The controls for the Amplifier Status component, listed below, are divided into sections to match the Control Panel sections.
Amplifier Status
When the ID/Identify button, in Status component, the Configurator's Network Configuration,or on the physical hardware is pressed, the ID buttons in all three places blink to easily identify hardware with the software.
The indicators will flash for 5 minutes unless you stop them by pressing any one of the buttons.
Status LED
This LED changes color to indicate the current status of the amplifier. See Status for the meanings of the various colors.
Component status is conveyed with the Status LED and Status box, which uses both color and text to indicate the current condition:
- OK: The device is functioning normally.
- Initializing: The device is in the process of a firmware or configuration update, or the design is starting.
- Compromised: The device is functioning, but a non-fatal problem exists. Refer to the Status box for details.
- Missing: The device cannot be discovered.
- Fault: The device is malfunctioning or is not properly configured. Refer to the Status box for details.
- Unknown: This status appears during a Core reboot (for example, during a firmware update), or when a design is being uploaded to the Core and before it has started running.
- Not Present: If applicable to the device, this status appears when the device is not connected to the network and its Is Required component property is set to 'No'. This status also appears if the device component's Dynamically Paired property is set to 'Yes', pairing has not been assigned in Core Manager, and the device component's Is Required property is set to 'Yes'. See Dynamic Pairing.
Clock Offset
This text field displays the clock difference between the associated amplifier and the Master Clock. The unit of measure is indicated in the text readout.
The Q-SYS Core running the design containing the amplifier.
Parent Port
Text box indicating the network name of the Parent port, usually the same as the Clock Grandmaster with the LAN appended.
Indicates the current power supply unit (PSU) temperature in Centigrade.
You must set Verbose in the unit's Properties to "Yes" in order to see this field.
Text indicating the Details of any errors occurring with the amplifier. The information in this field is updated regularly and is cumulative. An item is displayed only when the value is not zero. If there are values associated with these, call Support.
fpga_fifo_error |
sequence_error |
recv_fifo_error |
xmit_task_early |
xmit_fifo_error |
xmit_task_late |
recv_dma_error |
xmit_task_error |
xmit_dma_error |
xmit_overrun |
sync_error |
clock_sync_loss |
Reset Details
Click this button to reset the information in the Details field to zero.
Audio Streams
To see both input and output Audio Streams information, you must have audio passing both directions.
Input OK
LED indicating the status of the Input Audio Stream for LAN A or LAN B.
Suppress button
If the "Is Network Redundant" property is set to 'Yes', but the redundant network is not connected, an error is displayed. This button suppresses the error caused by LAN B not being connected.
Input Details
Text indicating the details of the status of the amplifier Input Audio Stream for LAN A and LAN B. The information in this field is updated regularly and is displayed as running totals. An item is displayed only when the value is not zero. 1
accept_count |
size_mismatch |
drop_count |
not_audio |
missing_count |
to_early |
duplicate_count |
early |
not_in_use |
on_time |
port_mismatch |
too_late |
check_mismatch |
very_late |
Output OK
LED indicating the status of the Output Audio Stream for LAN A or LAN B.
Output Details
Text indicating the details of the status of the amplifier Output Audio Stream for LAN A and LAN B. The information in this field is updated regularly and is displayed as running totals. An item is displayed only when the value is not zero. 1
accept_count |
size_mismatch |
drop_count |
not_audio |
missing_count |
to_early |
duplicate_count |
early |
not_in_use |
on_time |
port_mismatch |
too_late |
check_mismatch |
very_late |
1. Notes:
In Input and Output Audio Streams, accept_count = (early + on_time). This is OK, everything else should be zero.
The units are 16 samples, so accept_count should go up by 3000 per second.
too_early, too_late, very_late indicate clock sync problems. If Clock Offset is larger than a single digit, check the QoS configuration on the switches for the clock traffic (the highest priority DSCP). If too_late or very_late are not zero but the Clock Offset is zero or very small, check the QoS configuration on the switches for the audio traffic (the second highest priority DSCP).
missing_count could mean network problems such as bad cables, check the CRC error counters on the switches.

Pin Name |
Value |
String |
Position |
Pins Available |
Clock Grandmaster Name |
Text field - Name of the Clock Grandmaster |
Clock Offset From Master |
– |
0 ms to n ms |
– |
Output |
Clock Parent Port Name | Text field - Name of the Parent Port | Output | ||
Amplifier Status |
0 1 2 3 4 |
OK (green) Compromised (orange) Fault (red) Unknown (red) Updating (blue) |
0 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.00 |
Output |
Details |
Text field - Details of the current amp status. |
Output | ||
Identify |
0 1 |
false true |
0 1 |
Input / Output |
LAN A (or B) Input Stream Details |
Text Field |
LAN (or B) Input Stream OK |
0 1 |
false true |
0 1 |
Output |
LAN (or B) Output Stream Details |
Text Field |
LAN (or B) Output Stream OK |
0 1 |
false true |
0 1 |
Output |
Reset Details |
trigger |
Input / Output |

Standalone Mode provides the capability to connect the inputs of an amplifier to the outputs when connection to the Core is lost. In addition you can boot the amplifier without a connection to the Core.
Two ways to engage the Standalone Mode. For either way you must enable the Standalone Mode in the Q-SYS Designer Properties for the amplifier.
- Amplifier Loses Network Connection to the Core:
- When connection to the Core is lost, audio is interrupted, and the amplifier counts down the number of seconds (15-60) specified in the amplifier's Properties in the Q-SYS design.
- After the timeout period, the inputs of the amplifier are sent directly to the outputs either one-to-one (each input goes to its corresponding output), or one-to-all (one input goes to all the outputs). While in Standalone mode, the front panel display of the amplifier displays OK in the Status field.
- When the connection to the Core is restored, the original audio streams are restored. There will be a short drop in audio while the amplifier is re-initialized.
- Boot the Amplifier Without a Connection to the Core
- The amplifier waits 10 seconds to determine if the connection to the Core can be made.
- The amplifier then launches the last design run if it had the Standalone Mode enabled. During this time, the amplifier front-panel Status field displays OK, and the Design field displays "Stand-alone".
- When the amplifier re-connects to the Core, the Core pushes the design to the amplifier and the original audio is restored. There is a short loss of audio while the amplifier is initialized.
Note: Standalone Mode is not supported by CXD-Qn, CX-Qn, and DPA-Qn series amplifiers. Qn series amplifiers only support network connectivity and do not have line inputs.