Import and Export UCIs
Import and export UCIs to facilitate easy sharing between system designers. You can also download and import UCIs from Asset Manager.

Import a UCI
Click Tools > Import UCI.
Select the .uci file to import, and then click Open.
From the User Control Interfaces section of the left-side pane, select the imported UCI.
Link or remap the UCI's controls to schematic components, depending on the control type:
Toolbox controls – Controls that were added from the Toolbox will appear in the Layers tab with a
icon. Follow the instructions in the "Link Controls" section above to link each control to a component control in your design.
Unmapped controls – Controls that were originally added to the UCI from the schematic are indicated with a ? icon. Follow the instructions in Transferring Settings from one Control to Another to remap the UCI control from a control in the schematic.

Export a UCI
From the User Control Interfaces section of the left-side pane, select the UCI you want to export.
Click Tools > Export UCI.
Select a location on your computer and click Save. The UCI is saved with the .uci file extension.