
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Video tutorial available online for Users.

Users are used in Q-SYS as a means for providing security to various areas of a Q-SYS system and/or for establishing priorities in the Public Address System. The Users created in the Administrator are not used for Q-SYS networked device security including saving a design to the Core. Refer to the Q-SYS Configurator and the Security Overview topics for more information.

A User Name and PIN can be given to each person, who will be using any of the following:

In addition, Users can be assigned the following Paging capabilities:

Users are not required unless logon is required for any of the above features.

Creating Users

If you are going to implement security on your system, set up the Guest user before the regular users.

IMPORTANT:   When you make any changes in the Administrator, you must Update the Administrator for the changes to take effect. After making a change in a dialog box in the Administrator, and exiting the dialog box, a red banner displays across the top of the interface with an Update button, and a Cancel button.

Guest User

A User named "Guest" is in the User list by default. This User cannot be renamed or deleted and has no PIN. The Guest User determines if permission to use certain features are given to all Users globally, or to Users on an individual basis. When the Guest User is given permission to use one of the features, all Users have permission to use that feature without a PIN. If the Guest User is denied permission to use one of these features you can specify which Users have permission when editing the User's properties.

To edit the Guest User:

  1. Select the Users tab in the Administrator.
  2. Double-click the Guest User. The Edit User dialog box displays. The Name is Guest, and cannot be changed.
  3. Define the User according to the information listed in the Controls table below. Selecting Yes for an area allows all Users to access that area, selecting No requires that a User supply a valid PIN for access.
  4. When you are finished, click the OK button to save the settings, or the Cancel button to discard the changes and exit the dialog box.

NOTE:   By default, the Administrator field is set to Yes, and the File Management Protocol field is not accessible. This means that any user has access to the Administrator, and any user has access to the File Management Protocol and can manage the audio files via an external connection. If you select No for Administrator, the File Management Protocol field is activated. A user must supply a password to access the Administrator, and you can now determine if a password is required to access and manage the audio files using an external connection. For more information about the File Management Protocol, contact QSC Support.

Standard User

To create a User:

  1. Select the Users tab in the Administrator.
  2. Click the plus sign in the upper left corner of the interface. The Edit User dialog box displays.
  3. Define the User according to the information listed in the Controls table below.
  4. Add and assign Tags as desired. Refer to Assigning Tags to Users for details.
  5. When you are finished, click the OK button to save the User, or the Delete button to discard the User and exit the dialog box.

TIP:   If several Users are to be assigned the same permissions, first create the Users with their Usernames and PINs, then select all of the similar Users and double-click one of the selected Users. The Edit User dialog box displays with the Username and PINs indicating "multiple values". Any changes you make to the remaining values are given to all selected Users.

Logging on and off of Administrator

When you edit the Guest User, and select No for any of the Access Permissions, all users are required to log on and log off of the Q-SYS Designer Administrator and the stand-alone administrator.

To Log On

  1. In Q-SYS Designer in the Run of Emulate mode, click the Administrator button in the upper right corner of designer. A pop-up displays asking for a User, and PIN.
  2. Enter the information as required.
  3. Press OK. If the user has the correct permissions, the Administrator Interface displays.

To Log Off

  1. Click the User Name in the lower-right corner of the Administrator Interface.
  2. Select Log Off from the pop-up.
  3. The Log On dialog displays.
  4. Click Cancel. The Administrator Interface closes.

To Switch Users

  1. Click the User Name in the lower-right corner of the Administrator Interface.
  2. Select Switch User from the pop-up.
  3. The Log On dialog displays.
  4. Enter the required information.
  5. Press OK. If the credentials you entered have Administrator privileges, the Administrator Interface dispalys.

Assigning Tags to Users

You may wish to establish a group of Users who all perform the same or similar functions. To form a group of Users:

  1. Edit the Guest User's properties as required.
  2. Create the Users you are going to add to the group. Each User must have a unique Name and PIN.
  3. Select the Users you want in the group. Ctrl+click for one User at a time, or Shift-click for a contiguous group of Users.
  4. Create a Tag to identify the group. When you create the Tag, and have the Users selected, the Tag is applied to all the selected Users.
  5. With the Users still selected, double-click one of the Users. Do not use Ctrl+click or Shift-click at this point as it will change your selection. The Edit User dialog box displays.
  6. The Name and PIN, and any features set to Yes in the Guest User, are not accessible at this point. Make selections, from the items that are accessible. Refer to the Control table below. Any changes you make, with multiple Users selected, are applied to all selected Users.
  7. When you edit the properties for a Page Station, or User Control Interface, you can assign the entire group of Users permission to use that item simply by selecting the Tag you assigned to them.

To add another User to the group, select the User, and click the checkbox next to the group Tag in the Tags list.

NOTE:  The assigned Tags are listed alphabetically from left to right next to the Users.

Filter the Users by Tags

You can filter the list of Users based on the Tags you assign.

  1. Click the filter icon in the top left corner (next to the plus sign). A list of Tags displays.
  2. Click the checkbox of the Tag or Tags you wish to filter by. Only the Users assigned the selected Tags display.
  3. Click the filter icon again and uncheck any or all of the Tags to remove or modify the filter.






The user name of the person or group using any of the elements requiring logon. The user Name must be a legal HTTP authentication name using characters A-Z a-z 0-9 - . _

User defined

PIN / Change PIN button

Personal Identification Number for use when logging on to a Page Station, or User Control Interface.

After a PIN is set for a user, and the Edit User dialog box is closed, the PIN is replaced by the Change PIN button. Clicking this button allows you to enter a new PIN for that User.

Default = N/A

Range = 1 to n digits


Determines if the User can use the Administrator or not.

The default is set to Yes in the Guest User, which gives the Administrator access to the functional areas listed to the right. Each of the areas are individually set for the administrator.

PA Router





Audio Files

Event Log

Can Clear Event Log

Soft Phones


Dynamic Pairing

Load from Core and Connect

Determines if the User can use Q-SYS Designer to Load a design from Core and Connect or not.

This does not control the use of Q-SYS Designer, or the ability to Save to the Core and Run a design.

Default set to Yes in the Guest User

External Control Protocol

Determines if the User can connect to the Core via External Control or not.

Default set to Yes in the Guest User
File Management Protocol

Determines if the User can manage Audio Files via an external connection. Currently allowed by default when a User has permission to use the Administrator.

For more information about the File Management Protocol, contact QSC Support.

Enabled through Administrator

Override Page Station Settings

Determines if the User Priority settings takes the place of the Page Station Priority settings.

  • If you select Yes, the User's Priority is used to determine the Priority of the page, even if the User's Priority is lower than that of the Page Station.
  • If you select No, the Page Station's Priority is used to determine the Priority of the page.
No / Yes

Override Command Priority Level

This selection is available only in Command Priority Mode and when the User's Override Station Settings is set to Yes.

Determines if the User Priority takes the place of the Command's Priority.

  • If you select Yes, the User's Priority is used to determine the Priority of the page. This is true even if the User's Priority is lower than that of the Command.
  • If you select No, the Command's Priority is used to determine the Priority of the page.

No / Yes


Priority Levels are used to determine priority of concurrent paging events. An event with a higher priority will interrupt an event with a lower priority level if there are any common destination Zones.

All of the Priorities created on the PA Global Settings tab are available to select for a User.

The Priority of a User is used when:

  1. The Priority Mode is Command, and the
  2. Override Page Station Settings is set to Yes, and the
  3. Override Command Priority Level is set to Yes.


  1. The Priority Mode is Station/User, and the
  2. Override Page Station Settings is set to Yes.

In either one of these cases, the User's Priority is used to determine the Priority of the page regardless of the Command or Page Station Priority.

Default = blank

Limit Available Commands

If you select No, the user can Use any of the Commands that have been created.

If you select Yes, you can then select the Commands that the User is allowed to use.

No / Yes

Available Commands

Select the Commands you want the User to be able to use by clicking the checkbox next to the individual Commands or by clicking the checkbox next to the Tag containing the Commands you want the User to use.

Default is nothing selected


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