Page Station GPIO Component

The Page Station GPIO component allows you to configure the four GPIO pins on the physical Page Station. You must drag the Page Station GPIO component into the Schematic to enable the GPIO Pins.


When a GPIO pin is set to Digital Out, there is a Control Pin Input for that GPIO pin. There are no audio inputs for this component.


When a GPIO pin is set to Digital In, or Digital Out, there is a Control Pin Output for that GPIO pin. There are no audio outputs for this component.


The following GPIO items are available when selected in the Properties.



Default / Range

Digital Input

LED illuminates green when there is a Digital input of 1 (3.3 V TTL) present.

Off / On

Digital Output

This toggle button supplies a 0 in the Off position and a 1 in the On position.

Off / On


The Sample, Vector and Frame Clocks have no controls. For more information refer to the Properties table in this topic.

N / A






Identifies the Page Station component in Q-SYS Designer, enabling the connection between the design and the physical Page Station. This name should be the same as the Page Station Device Name (hostname Hostnames may contain ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive), the digits '0' through '9', the hyphen, and the underscore. Hostname labels cannot begin or end with a hyphen. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or blank spaces are permitted. ) in the Q-SYS Configurator. Click in the Name property and type the Name.

The name must follow standard naming conventions. The Administrator restricts the name according to the following:

  • ASCII characters a - z (case insensitive)
  • Digits 0 - 9
  • Hyphen (cannot be at the beginning or end of the name)
  • Underscore (acceptable with a Q-SYS implementation)
  • No other characters, symbols, punctuation, or blank spaces.

User input


User defined Location for the Page Station.

User input

Is Network Redundant

Indicates if the Page Station is connected to redundant networks.

No / Yes

Is Required

When Is Required is set to Yes, an error displays if the hardware does not exist on the network. This is the default behavior.

When Is Required is set to No, the device is identified as not present, its status state is Not Present which is not considered an error. The color displayed for “Not Present” equipment is gray.

If a device is dynamically assignable but has not been assigned, it is considered Not Present” even if it is required.

Yes / No

Dynamically Paired

Indicates that this virtual component can be paired with the same type of hardware without changing the network id of the hardware, or the name of this component. Refer to Dynamic Pairing for more information.

Yes / No


Selects the Model of the Page Station. Initially, you choose the model when you place the Page Station into the Inventory. You can change it here if needed.





Enable Expander

Enables the Page Station to support the use of the Page Station Expander (PS-X ). The PS-X allows you to connect a Q-SYS handheld microphone that can be mounted in the same general area as the Page Station. For example, the Page Station is mounted on the airline gate desk, whereas the PS-X is mounted at the gate itself.

When the Expander is enabled, the Aux Mic, and GPIO components are no longer available.

Yes / No

GPIO 1 - 4

(Connector pins
Dig 0 - Dig 3)

Configures the GPIO for the Page Station.

GPIO 1 - 4 have the options Unused, Digital Input, Digital Output.

GPIO 2 adds the option of Sample Clock.

GPIO 3 adds the option of Vector Clock.

GPIO 4 adds the option of Frame Clock.


Digital Input

Digital Output

Sample Clock

Vector Clock

Frame Clock

Control Pins

When a GPIO pin is set to any one of the Clocks, there is no Control Pin available for that GPIO pin.

Pin Name




Pins Available

GPIO 1–4 Digital Input








GPIO 1–4 Digital Output







Input / Output

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