UCI Viewer Status/Control Component

The UCI Viewer component allows you to control various aspects and see the status of a UCI when a UCI Viewer client is associated with the UCI.

To use the UCI Viewer Status/Control component:

  1. Create a UCI.
  2. From the Inventory Peripherals, place a UCI Viewer Status/Control component into your Inventory.
  3. Drag the UCI Viewer Status/Control component into the Schematic.
  4. Set the Properties as required. See the Properties table below.
  5. Open a UCI Viewer client.
  6. Select UCI Viewers (top left over the list of UCIs) Note: you can still run the UCI from the list of UCIs, but the UCI Viewer Status/Control component will be inactive.
  7. Select the UCI Viewer (Status/Control component) you wish to use.
  8. The Status field of the selected UCI Viewer turns to OK (Green).




Default / Range

Status LED

This LED changes color to indicate the current status of the Core. See Status for the meanings of the various colors.

N / A


Displays color-coded messages indicating the current status of the active Core.

OK - Green - Indicates that a UCI Viewer Client is connected, and gives the Client's hostname.

Fault - Red - No Clients Connected displays when Is Required is set to Yes, and there are no clients connected to the UCI.

Not Present - Gray - Not Present - No clients connected displays when Is Required is set to No, and there are no clients connected to the UCI.

N / A

Log Off

If a user is required to log on to the UCI, this button can log them off.

N / A


Displays the name of the UCI currently running on the UCI Viewer. You can change the currently running UCI if the UCI Assignment is set to Dynamic.

User Defined


Displays the name of the currently selected page in the UCI. You can click this field and change the viewed page.

N / A






Identifies the UCI Viewer Status/Control component in Q-SYS Designer and any UCI Viewers having access the same network.

User input


User defined Location for the UCI Viewer.

User input

Is Required

When Is Required is set to Yes, an error displays if there is no UCI Viewer client connected to the UCI Viewer. This is the default behavior.

When Is Required is set to No, the UCI Viewer client is identified as not present, its status state is Not Present which is not considered an error. The color displayed for “Not Present” equipment is gray.

Yes / No

UCI Assignment

The choices are Static, only the specified UCI is used, and Dynamic you can select the UCI when the UCI is running.



This field displays only when the UCI Assignment is set to Static. Use the pull-down list to select the UCI assigned to this UCI Viewer component.

User Input

Control Pins

Pin Name




Pins Available

Current Page

Text Field


Current UCI

Text Field


Log Off




N / A

Status information

0.00 = Good

1.00 = Error


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