Q-SYS Network Services and Protocols

Q-SYS uses the following services, protocols, and ports via the indicated Q-SYS Core LAN interfaces. For more information about network interfaces, see Q-SYS Network Interfaces.

Protocol Summary

Note: Use Q-SYS Core Manager to disable many network-related functions and protocols on a per-adapter level. See Q-SYS Core Manager > Network Services.

Network Service / Function

Description / Protocols Used




Q-SYS Device Discovery

Automatic discovery of Q-SYS Cores on a network by Q-SYS software applications, such as Q-SYS Designer.

Q-SYS Designer Communications - Legacy

Legacy HTTP communication between Q-SYS Designer and the Q-SYS Core.

Q-SYS Designer Communications - Secure

Secure connection, design file load, and control communications with a Q-SYS Core when using Q-SYS Designer software version 7.1 or higher.

Q-SYS Audio Enabled Peripherals

Q-SYS peripheral device audio streaming.


Q-SYS Control Peripherals

Control of Q-SYS TSC touchscreen devices by the Q-SYS Core.



Initial configuration and control communications between the Q-SYS Core and any TSC-3 touchscreen.


Q-SYS UCI Viewers - Windows and iOS

Communication between Q-SYS UCI Viewers and the Q-SYS Core.

Q-SYS Cameras

Communication between Q-SYS networked cameras and the Q-SYS Core.


Q-SYS External Control Protocol - ASCII

Control of the Q-SYS Core from a 3rd party control system using the ASCII-based Q-SYS External Control Protocol.

Q-SYS Remote Control Protocol - JSONRPC

Control of the Q-SYS Core from a 3rd party control system using the JSONRPC-based Q-SYS Remote Control Protocol.

Secure Maintenance & Support

Secure communications for diagnostics by QSC engineering if remote support is requested, authorized, and provided by the user.

Q-SYS Device Discovery via mDNS / Bonjour

Q-SYS device access on the network via hostname. Some Q-SYS plugin developers also leverage the mDNS service.

Hovermon Audio

Allows the Q-SYS Designer application to listen to audio throughout the DSP design for troubleshooting purposes.

VoIP Telephony Control

Q-SYS Softphone control

VoIP Telephony Audio

Q-SYS Softphone audio


AES67 Streaming Audio



Dante Streaming Audio


Multicast and Time-Sensitive Protocols

Of the protocols and functions supported by Q-SYS, some require the transmission and reception of multicast packets, while others (such as Q-LAN) are time sensitive, requiring guaranteed and timely delivery of packets through the network.

In the following tables:

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