Q-SYS Hardware for Cinema
This section contains links to information for Q-SYS hardware products for QSC Cinema systems. For a list of all other Q-SYS hardware, see Q-SYS Hardware.

The Core is the Q-SYS central processing unit. The Core processes and routes all audio, controls peripheral devices, and manages firmware updates to connected peripheral devices – all via 1-gigabit Ethernet network.
Cinema Cores
Cinema Core 110c (small scale) with built-in I/O |
Cinema Core 510c (medium scale) with eight I/O card slots |

Designed specifically for use with the Q-SYS platform, the DPA-Q cinema line includes multiple four channel and eight channel models capable of driving a wide range of loudspeaker configurations.
New DPA-Q Series
DPA-2K4Q |
600 W x 4 Channels |
DPA-2K4Qn |
600 W x 4 Channels (network input only) |
DPA-4K4Q |
1200 W x 4 Channels |
DPA-4K4Qn |
1200 W x 4 Channels (network input only) |
DPA-4K8Q |
500 W x 8 Channels |
DPA-4K8Qn |
500 W x 8 Channels (network input only) |
DPA-8K4Q |
2000 W x 4 Channels |
DPA-8K4Qn |
2000 W x 4 Channels (network input only) |
DPA-8K8Q |
1000 W x 8 Channels |
DPA-8K8Qn |
1000 W x 8 Channels (network input only) |
DPA-Q Series
DPA4.2Q |
700 W x 4 Channels |
DPA4.3Q |
1400 W x 4 Channels |
DPA4.5Q |
2000 W x 4 Channels |
DPA8.4Q |
500 W x 8 Channels |
DPA8.4Qn |
500 W x 8 Channels (network input only) |
DPA8.8Q |
1000 W x 8 Channels |
DPA8.8Qn |
1000 W x 8 Channels (network input only) |

Q-SYS I/O peripherals help connect the power of the Q-SYS Core processor to the outside world of audio.
Peripheral Devices
Digital Cinema Input/Output for Q-SYS™ is a cinema-specific interface that serves as the audio I/O for each screen in a Q-SYS enabled cinema complex. |
Card-based local I/O with four-card capacity, allowing local or remote inputs or outputs anywhere that a standard Gigabit Ethernet network is available with connectivity back to the Core. |
A compact unit designed for use when the audio sources and destinations of a Q-SYS network are physically spread out, such as the individual seats in a conferencing system or individual rooms in a multi-room venue. |
I/O Cards
Mic/line analog input card |
High performance mic/line analog input card |
Analog line output card |
Dataport output card |
Analog Telephony Card (POTS) |
CobraNet™ digital input/output card |
AVB bridge card |
Dante™ Audio Bridge Card |
AES-3 digital input/output card |
AES/EBU digital input card |

QSC offers multiple models of network capacitive PoE touchscreens. Each has a fully customizable User Control Interfaces (UCI), which you can design with the Q-SYS UCI Editor. The Status/Control (Touch Screen) components provide the connection between the physical touchscreen and the Q-SYS Designer UCI.
TSC-G2 Models
Capacitive touch surface with 5.5" diagonal viewable screen dimensions (Wallmount) |
Capacitive touch surface with 8.0" diagonal viewable screen dimensions (Wallmount – table top stand accessory optional) |
Capacitive touch surface with 11.6" diagonal viewable screen dimensions (Wallmount – table top stand accessory optional) |
TSC Models
Capacitive touch surface with 7" diagonal viewable screen dimensions (Table top) |
Capacitive touch surface with 7" diagonal viewable screen dimensions (Wallmount) |

The Q-SYS NV-32-H is a network video endpoint native to the Q-SYS Ecosystem, serving as a multi-stream, software-configurable HDMI encoder/decoder that enables network-based video distribution.
Network Video Endpoints
Multi-stream, software-configurable HDMI encoder/decoder that enables network-based video distribution. |

Q-SYS accessories are non-network system add-ons for mission-critical installations and life safety requirements. You can add auto-switching power amplifier redundancy (up to eight channels per accessory) and automated verification of loudspeaker line integrity, even in real time.
PTL-1 |
The Pilot Tone Load Accessory, used in combination with QSC DataPort or CXD platform amplifiers, allows the Q-SYS system to monitor shorts, opens, and other faults in a loudspeaker line, even in real time. |
The DataPort Amplifier Backup Panel provides the ability to add true N+1 amplifier redundancy to any Q-SYS system, plus the ability to automatically switch amplifier input sources from a primary I/O Frame to a backup I/O Frame. |