
The Inventory accordion bar, in the left-side pane, displays a list of physical hardware Items used in your system, including the following:

In a new design, the Inventory list, open by default, is populated with only a Core; you must add the other items that match your physical inventory.

Each Item has at least one Component under it that can be placed into the Schematic then configured and connected to other components as necessary.



The Inventory accordion bar is the default selection in the left-side pane. If necessary, select Inventory from the accordion list at the top of the left-side pane.

Add Items to the Inventory

  1. Click the plus sign ( +) in the Inventory accordion bar. The Inventory Catalog displays.
  2. Select the tab of the equipment type you wish to add. Choices are Amplifiers, Loudspeakers and Peripherals.
  3. Double-click the item you want to add to the Inventory. The new item is added to the Inventory list in alphabetical order by Name. You cannot add another Core to Inventory.
  4. You can select any item in the list, with the exception of the Core, and press the Delete key to remove the item from the list.
  5. Continue adding items to the list as necessary. Refer to the individual item's help topic (select item and press F1) for configuration information. With the exception of networked hardware (Core, I/O Frame, Page Station, TSC-8, etc.) once a component is in the Schematic, you can configure it, then copy and paste it, and it is added to the Inventory list and configured as the original.

Creating New Locations for Inventory Items

You can create virtual Locations based on physical location, or what ever you want.

For example, a Location could be an equipment room, or a specific rack in the equipment room. Another example would be one Location for all the equipment used for a specific purpose. Items are in the "Default Location" when you add them to the Inventory list.

Filter the Inventory List

  1. Click the magnifying glass in the Inventory accordion bar to filter the Inventory list. The Type list is comprised of any items you can add to the Inventory.
  2. Select a Type from the drop-down list. Only the selected type of Inventory items display.
  3. Click the magnifying glass again to close the filtering fields. All the items are displayed in the Inventory list.

Grouping the Inventory List

  1. Click the double braces { } to cycle through the groupings, or use the drop-down list and choose either Group by Location, Group by Type, or Group by Status.
    1. Group by Type - The Types available to group by are Amplifiers, DAB-801, Core, Line Arrays, Speakers, Subwoofers, and I/O Frames. This also works with the Filter feature.
    2. Group by Location - Each item in the Inventory list can be given a Location. When you Group by Location, all the items in the Inventory list are listed under their separate Locations. This grouping works in conjunction with the Filter feature. Once the list is Filtered, the Group by Location only lists those items available in the Filtered list.
    3. Group by Status only works in the Run mode. Some of the groupings can be OK, Updating, Unknown, and so on.

Add Items to the Schematic

Drag an Item's Component from the Inventory list to the Schematic to configure and connect them. Refer to Connections in the Schematic for more information.

For a list of Inventory Items supplied by QSC Audio, refer to the topics Q-SYS Hardware, and QSC Compatible Hardware in the Hardware section of the Help Table of Contents.


  1. The items in the Inventory list are sorted alphabetically by their Name. You can rename items, within a Location, to organize them in a way that makes sense for your design.
  2. You can select multiple items in the Inventory list and perform various operations on the selected group. For example, you can change all the items of the same Type to be the same Model, or move them all to the same Location, set all the Properties of the same Type and Model to be the same, and so on.
  3. To select multiple items in the list you can hold the Ctrl key and click one at a time to make selections, or select an item in the list, hold the Shift key and select another item farther down the list, all items between the two selections are now selected.
  4. Add an item to the Inventory list, for example a loudspeaker, drag the loudspeaker's component into the Schematic. With the component selected, set the properties as required. Now, copy and paste it as many times as you have physical loudspeakers that are the same as what you've just configured.

Inventory Organization

The Inventory is made up primarily of virtual proxies for physical hardware with a few virtual-only components. Each proxy can be divided into two parts: the Inventory Item, and the Item's Component(s). The Item itself remains in the Inventory list, the Components are placed in the Schematic for configuration, monitoring, and/or use. Each Item in the Inventory can be given a user-defined Name and a user-defined Location. The Inventory list is sorted by these two criteria, first Location, then Name.

The Core is mandatory, and cannot be added or deleted. Redundant Cores and Redundant I/O Frames are not added to the Inventory, but identified in the Properties of the Primary Items. The following is a hierarchal breakdown of the Items that can be in Inventory.


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